What is the difference between accessing life risk insurance through General Advice vs Personal Advice?
Recent changes in the Financial Services industry have made seeking financial advice unaffordable for many Australians. I have worked for over 25 years in this industry as a full service Financial Adviser providing personal advice and I became concerned that many...
Is Your Income Protected – Are You Sure
You ability to ear an income is your biggest asset! Most people without any real thought insure their house of car because they are tangible assets that they couldn’t afford to fix or replace in the event of damage of loss. Although a house can cost hundreds of...
Three Critical Reasons to Review Your Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protections Insurances Every 3 – 5 Years
If you have a Life Insurance policy which may or may not also include Total and Permanent Disability cover and Critical Illness cover and or an Income Protection Policy somewhere in the filing system but haven’t had it reviewed for the last three to five years here...
How to Avoid Paying Too Much For Risk Insurance Premiums
Most of us know that you can walk into a retail store and physically speak to sales person, have the item demonstrated all for free and then go home search for the item using a ‘Best Price’ search engine and have it shipped to your front door within a few days at a...